If you are a skilled migrant and dream of moving to New Zealand as a migrant worker. It is a stunning country with friendly people, diverse culture, and spectacular scenery. There are many opportunities for skilled workers in various sectors, such as agriculture, hospitality, construction, and IT.
Moving to New Zealand would be an amazing adventure. The country is returning to its full potential after corona pandemic. The government is keen to attract migrant talent to run the country’s economy. New Zealand has taken several worker-friendly decisions recently to facilitate the influx of skilled migrants. New Zealand depends on foreign skilled migrants for most of its work. Every sector in New Zealand is dependent on a skilled migrant workforce. This might be the right time to move to New Zealand as a skilled migrant.
Special Category Migration
Special category migration is a type of visa that allows Australian citizens and permanent residents to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely. This visa was introduced in 1973 as part of the Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement, which sought to facilitate the free movement of people between the two countries. However, special-category migrants do not have the same rights and benefits as New Zealand citizens or residents. For example, they cannot vote, access social welfare, or sponsor family members for residence. To obtain these rights and benefits, special-category migrants need to apply for New Zealand citizenship or residence under another category.
know more about Moving to New Zealand
Refugee Family Support Category
This category allows New Zealanders granted residence as refugees to sponsor a family member and that person’s partner and dependent children for New Zealand residence. Each year there are 300 places available.
The Refugee Family Support Category has replaced the previous Refugee Family Quota ballot system.
Bringing your family to New Zealand under the Refugee Family Support Category is a three-stage process.
- You register as a sponsor.
- We select your registration.
- Your family members apply for residence.
The registration system
The Refugee Family Support Category has a two-tier registration system. Tier one sponsors who meet level one sponsorship requirements have priority – they need to bring their families to New Zealand more urgently.
Click here to learn the process.
Samoan Quota
Each year Immigration New Zealand invites several Samoan citizens to apply for residence under the Samoan Quota Scheme.
To apply for residence under the Samoan Quota scheme, you must register for a ballot and wait for your registration to be drawn. The ballot is the method that runs this category.
To be eligible to apply for residence under the Samoan Quota Scheme, you must lodge a registration during the official registration period each year. The 2012 registration period is from 2 April to 30 April 2012.
Find out the requirements for registration and how to make a registration.
Pacific Access Category
Each year Immigration New Zealand invites several people from Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Tonga to apply for residence under the Pacific Access Category.
To apply for residence under the Pacific Access Category, you need to have your registration drawn from the ballot. This category operates by ballot, which means that only a limited number of registrations are randomly selected each year.
To be eligible to apply for residence under the Pacific Access Category, you must lodge a registration during the official registration period each year. The 2012 registration period is from 2 April to 30 April 2012.
Find out the requirements for registration and how to make a registration.